How to Transform a Cortijo to Boutique Hotel


In the beautiful region of Almeria in southern Spain, cortijos are an important part of the local history and architecture. These former agricultural estates, with their stunning views and rustic charm, offer endless possibilities for those who wish to transform them into something more than just a country house.

In this article, we will explore the key steps in transforming a cortijo into a boutique hotel, from acquiring the property to decorating the communal spaces.


Definition of Boutique Hotel

A boutique hotel is a small or medium-sized establishment that stands out for offering a unique and personalised experience to its guests. These establishments are usually located in exclusive locations, with a design and decoration that has been taken care of down to the last detail.

Characteristics of a boutique hotel

  • Small size: Boutique hotels tend to have a limited number of rooms, allowing guests to enjoy a more personalised and exclusive treatment.
  • Design and decoration: Aesthetics is one of the strong points of boutique hotels. Every detail, from the furniture to the lighting, is designed to create a unique and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Personalised service: In a boutique hotel, guests receive close and attentive service from the staff, who strive to meet their every need and make their stay unforgettable. Even if it’s to strip luxury to the most basic.
  • Unique experience: Boutique hotels often offer exclusive services, such as private dining, cooking lessons or personalised treatments and special activities, which allow guests to live a unique and memorable experience.

Regulations and licensing of boutique hotels

Like other types of holiday accommodation, boutique hotels in Spain are subject to a series of regulations and licences that must be complied with. These regulations vary depending on the autonomous community and the municipality where the hotel is located, but in general, they refer to aspects such as:

  • Facility conditions: Room size, ventilation, water quality, fire safety, etc.
  • Licences: Opening licence, activity licence, building licence, etc.
  • Hospitality regulations: Compliance with the requirements set by the authorities, depending by definition on the size of the establishment and its location. Including the very popular Glamping.
  • It is most important to obtain all the necessary licenses before opening your boutique hotel and to know about them before developing any reforms.

Additional requirements for offering restaurant services

If your boutique hotel plans to offer food services, such as breakfast or meals, you will need to obtain the relevant licences and permits from the local health authority. These licences ensure that food is handled and prepared in a safe and hygienic manner, meeting the standards set to protect the health of guests.

Key steps to transform a cortijo into a boutique hotel or vacacional apartments

I. Research & Planning

Before embarking on the exciting adventure of transforming a farmhouse into a boutique hotel, it is essential to carry out thorough research and planning. At this stage, it is important to assess the feasibility of the project, taking into account factors such as location, competition in the area, demand for tourist accommodation and available budget. In addition, it is crucial to define the vision and identity of the boutique hotel, to ensure that every decision you make is aligned with the experience you want to offer your guests.

Once you have acquired the cortijo and are clear about your objectives, it is time to get down to work and begin the renovation and restoration of the property. This may involve refurbishing old structures, modernising electrical and plumbing installations, creating welcoming communal spaces and incorporating modern conveniences. It is essential to have a team of qualified professionals, such as architects, interior designers and contractors, to help you carry out the work efficiently and to the highest quality.

III. Decoración y ambientación

La decoración y ambientación de un hotel boutique son aspectos clave que marcarán la diferencia en la experiencia de tus huéspedes. En el caso de un cortijo convertido en hotel boutique, es importante mantener la esencia y el encanto rústico de la propiedad, mientras se añaden toques de elegancia y sofisticación. La elección de muebles, textiles, colores y elementos decorativos jugará un papel crucial en la creación de una atmósfera acogedora y única. Además, es fundamental prestar atención a los detalles, como la iluminación, la música ambiental y la selección de obras de arte locales, para crear una experiencia memorable y auténtica.

IV. Marketing & Promotion

Once your farmhouse-turned-boutique hotel is ready to receive the first guests, it is essential to put in place an effective marketing and promotion strategy. In this sense, it is important to create a strong brand identity, design an attractive and functional website, use social media to reach your target audience and establish partnerships with travel agencies and tour operators. Also, don’t forget the importance of customer service and positive reviews, which will be key to attracting more guests and building long-term loyalty.


It is crucial to have the relevant licences and permits issued by the tourism authority of the Junta before advertising your holiday accommodation on any platform.

Remember that operating without the proper licences can lead to legal sanctions and closure of the establishment.

transformar-un cortijo-en-hotel

At Casa Contenta we have two farmhouses ideal to be run as boutique hotels.

La Joya de Cabo de Gata and El cortijo El Saltador are two exceptional examples of how tradition and modernity and future can converge to create sustainable and environmentally friendly holiday accommodation. These houses, originally ruins, were carefully restored by their owners using modern techniques, thus preserving their historical essence while providing them with the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay.

First: La joya de Cabo de Gata

A spectacular cortijo for sale located in the beautiful Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, in the southeast region of Andalusia, Spain. This treasure is situated on the outskirts of the charming village of Agua Amarga, just 2.5 km from the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. With its privileged location and natural beauty, La Joya de Cabo de Gata offers a unique opportunity to create an exclusive boutique hotel combining luxury and tranquillity in a unique setting.


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Second: Cortijo El Saltador

A majestic cortijo that extends over 35 hectares in the gentle hills of the Sierra Alhamilla, between the fascinating Tabernas desert and the spectacular Cabo de Gata-Níjar maritime and terrestrial natural park, in the vicinity of Lucainena de las Torres, Almería, Andalusia, Spain. This cortijo, which has been converted into a charming rural house with over 10 rooms, has been meticulously designed and equipped with a sustainable approach. Its versatility makes it not only a rural tourist destination, but also an ideal space to host guests for retreat, hold seminars, events or carry out tourist activities that allow guests to enjoy the tranquillity and beauty of nature in a unique and exclusive environment.


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These two Cortijos for Sale with Casa Contenta offer the perfect opportunity to invest in the tourism sector and create unique experiences for travellers looking for exclusive and charming accommodation in Andalusia, a region full of history, culture and natural beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the main aspects to take into account when buying a cortijo in Almeria?

When purchasing a cortijo in Almeria, it is essential to consider the location, the state of conservation of the property, local regulations and the possibility of transforming it into a boutique hotel. In addition, it is important to have professional advice such as that of Casa Contenta, both legal and technical, to ensure a successful investment.

2. Transforming a farmhouse into a boutique hotel in Almeria has many advantages, such as the possibility of offering a unique and authentic tourist experience, diversifying income and contributing to the sustainable development of the region. Moreover, this type of establishment tends to attract a demanding guest profile willing to pay for an exclusive and personalised stay.

3. What is the profile of guests looking to stay in a boutique hotel in Almeria?

Guests looking to stay at a boutique hotel in Almeria tend to be sophisticated travellers, who value exclusivity, attention to detail and authenticity. They are looking for unique and memorable experiences, in well-kept surroundings and with a personalised service. That can be as much as pure life style healthy food and tranquility or a pool and a luxury suites…
Therefore, it is essential to design an attractive and differentiated proposal that meets the expectations of this demanding guest profile.


Transforming a cortijo into a boutique hotel in Almeria is a unique opportunity to breathe new life into a historic property and create an unforgettable tourism experience. From the initial research and planning, to the decoration and decoration of the space, each step in this exciting process requires dedication, creativity and commitment.
With a clear vision, a team of skilled professionals and an effective marketing strategy, you can transform your cortijo into an exclusive destination desired by travellers from all over the world.

Don’t hesitate to embark on this exciting adventure and make your dream of owning a boutique hotel in Almeria come true!

casa contenta almería

A guide to buying a house in Almeria with Casa Contenta

Almeria is a charming province in the southeast of Spain, known for its beautiful beaches, sunny climate and long history. If you are thinking of buying a house in the province of Almeria, you have come to the right place. In this guide, we will provide you with the basic information you need to find your ideal home in this wonderful province.

1. Why Almeria

Almeria offers an extraordinary quality of life, with a warm climate all year round, stunning beaches and a wide range of cultural and leisure activities. In addition, the city and the province has a modern and well-developed infrastructure, making it a pleasant place to live.

2. Where to look for houses?

To find your dream home in Almeria, you can look in different areas of the city, such as the historic centre, or by the beach, or in the different areas of the province with natural parks and also many hidden and very quiet valleys such as in the Alpujarras. You can also check with local estate agents such as Casa Contenta Almeria or research online on websites specialising in the local property market.

Enchanting villages in the province:

On the east coast Agua Amarga, Las Negras, Rodalquilar, San Jose, down south coastal Almeria Capital, Pechina, Benahadux, Gador, interior 35minutes from the coast Alhama de Almeria, Instincion, Illar, Terque, Tabernas, Senes, Lucainena de las Torres, Nijar, Sorbas, Bedar, northern part of the province Mojacar, San Juan de los Terreros, … para solo marcar pocas de las preciosidades.

Illar, Almería

It is a hidden gem that offers a village quality of life. With its rural charm, fresh air and spectacular natural surroundings, buying a house in Illar is a unique opportunity to enjoy the tranquillity and beauty of the Andalusian countryside.

casas en venta en almeria

Don’t hesitate to contact Casa Contenta Almeria, we will be happy to provide you with more information, additional details, more photos and schedule a viewing of this charming property in Illar, Almeria!

Foto of a house for sale with Casa Contenta: Casa de pueblo en Illar – Alpujarra – Almería

2.1. Local estate agencies

Local estate agents such as Casa Contenta have extensive knowledge of the Almeria property market, we work together with other agents, share information and can help you find the perfect property to suit your needs and budget.

2.2. Specialised websites

There are various websites specialising in the Almeria property market, where you can search through a wide variety of properties, filter according to your preferences and contact the sellers or agencies.

3. What should you take into consideration when buying a house in Almería?

  • Budget: Determine your maximum budget for the purchase of a house in Almeria, including housing costs, taxes and additional expenses (9%).
  • Location: Choose a location that suits your needs and lifestyle, whether it’s near the beach, in the centre of a city/town with neighbours or in more rural or tourist areas.
  • Size of property: Consider the size of property you are looking for, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and whether you prefer a house or cortijo with a garden on rustic land. Whether it is for renovation or ready to move into. And if you consider rentals.
  • Nearby amenities: Check the availability of nearby services, such as supermarkets, schools, health centres, public transport, etc.
  • Legal documentation: Be sure to check all legal documentation for the property with the agent or a lawyer. Title deeds, licenses, energy efficiency certificate, contracts and applicable taxes, etc.

4. Why work with Casa Contenta?

e At Casa Contenta Almeria, under the management of Margaret von Schiller, we are proud to offer a personalised service and comprehensive advice on real estate in the province of Almeria.
With our experience and collaboration with highly qualified professionals under Margaret’s supervision and co-ordination, we will help you find your home in this charming province in the South East of Spain.

Don’t hesitate to buy your home in Almeria with Casa Contenta Almeria and start living the life you have always dreamed of in this paradise on the Mediterranean coast.

Discover Almería: a journey into tradition and history

Living in Almeria and being part of Casa Contenta has given me a unique perspective on tradition in Almeria and the properties we are proud of to sell. Each one has its own charm, reflecting a little bit of me in its shape and colour. It is as if each property tells its own story, and I have the honour of being its storyteller.

The discovery of La Joya de Cabo de Gata.

An individual touch to each property

As I reflect on my own home, I can’t help but think of the day when I might consider selling it. It is a natural process that we all face at some point in our lives, especially when circumstances change and new generations bring with them new perspectives and aspirations.

Generational change is a common reason for selling a property. I remember the days when Almeria was a humble but beautiful place, welcoming people from all over with warmth and hospitality. Today, Almeria has undergone a remarkable change, evolving and growing in many ways. It is a place I am proud to be a part of.

The arrival of my parents’ generation in Almería in the 1970s marked the beginning of a new era for this beautiful region. Despite the challenges and poverty, Almeria has always been known for its natural beauty and the warmth of its people. They welcomed us with open arms and made us feel at home from day one. For many of us, Almeria represented an opportunity for a fresh start, a land of promise and possibility.

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The challenge of preserving tradition in Almeria

As we began to make our home in Almeria, we became aware of the unique value of the traditional architecture and cortijos that dot the landscape. These ancient structures, though dilapidated and abandoned in many cases, still radiated a timeless beauty and charm. However, we also witnessed how modernisation and urbanisation were changing the landscape, with cheaper, more angular buildings beginning to replace the rounded, traditional cortijos.

My father, a lover of traditional architecture, often regretted this change and longed for the days when houses had a touch of rustic charm.

My father working.
Continue reading “Discover Almería: a journey into tradition and history”

Creating identity: reliving the beginnings of Casa Contenta and the creation of the logo


This year, I decided to start our blog by recalling the beginnings of Casa Contenta and to share with you the birth of our distinctive logo. It all started with a question that has resonated in my life: “Where do I come from”?

Margaret and Marisa.

As a carpenter and restorer of antique furniture, I also inherited a passion for old buildings from my father, a passionate architect. Although I initially left this vocation to explore the world of cinema, I returned to my roots in 2006 after the loss of my parents. At the age of 50, full of energy, my first step was to restore my parents’ farmhouse, a 200 year old building, and the second step was to work on the house of my friend Chris Fenwick, of the Dr. Feelgood, near the beach in Almeria.

Starting a project is always an exciting and significant step. For us at Casa Contenta, this journey began not only with the sale of cortijos and property management, but with the vision of creating homes that resonate with the beauty and authenticity of the environment around us.

When we decided to embark on this project, we weren’t just selling properties; we were weaving stories into the tapestry of the land, capturing the very essence of life in Almería. In each cortijo, we saw more than stone structures; we saw the possibility of happy homes, immersed in the warmth of the sun and the rich history these lands have to offer.

margaret y marisa de casa contenta

Farmhouse sales and real estate thus became an adventure of discovery and connection, where each new property was a window into the richness of the surroundings. The importance of this environment cannot be underestimated; it is the backdrop that gives life to every story, every corner of our homes.

From there, the path was cleared to Casa Contenta. It was a small step towards an immense experience in real estate, a fascinating learning process that I still love to this day.

In our journey through Casa Contenta Almería, we have always believed in the magic of small things and big questions. The spark of our brand was ignited by an intriguing question: “Can a house be happy or only the people who live in it?

This question became the seed of our logo, an image that represents more than just a design; it encapsulates the essence of who we are. Created with my right index finger in one of my first iPhone apps, this modest gesture became the face of Casa Contenta.

Mugs with early versions of the logo.

Our logo, with its distinctive palm tree and a house in the background, is not just an image; it is a story in itself. The palm tree, with its leaves waving in the Mediterranean breeze, symbolises strength and resilience, fundamental characteristics of every property that bears the Casa Contenta stamp. The house in the background is more than a structure; it is a home that holds stories, laughter and unforgettable moments.

We are constantly evolving, and our commitment to bring the best of us through our logo is reflected in every detail. The only things missing are the GIF and the Casa Contenta emoji, but I’m working on it, I promise. 🌴

This 2024, as we explore new frontiers in farmhouse sales, holiday rentals and property management, we carry with us the story of our logo. It’s not just an image; it’s the visual manifestation of our commitment to creating homes that exude happiness.

I hope you enjoy this little story as much as I enjoyed living it. At Casa Contenta, every corner tells a story, and we are happy to share them with you.

Stay tuned for more publications we have planned for this year.

May happiness and history remain our key in 2024!

Margaret Febr 2024


Welcome to Casa Contenta in 2024

It is a pleasure to welcome this new year full of promises and projects. In 2024, we embark with renewed energy and dedication to continue to bring you our best in real estate and its experiences.

And for those of you who still haven’t come to terms with the fact that it’s 2024 (almost February, time flies!), we remind you that here at Casa Contenta we make sure that every day is worthwhile, and good for taking a next step.


Sale of Cortijos – to find your piece of peace

Our passion for traditional farmhouses in Almeria has priority. This year, we still present a selection of architectural gems. Each cortijo tells a unique story and offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Almerian countryside. Our commitment is to guide you through this process with the personalised attention that characterises us. Nothing is perfect as they say but close to it.

Holiday and Midterm rentals: Winter In The Sun

For those looking to escape the routine, our holiday rental properties offer the perfect setting. From cosy flats by the sea to luxurious villas in the mountains, we have taken care of every detail to ensure that your holiday will be simply unforgettable. Some of the properties are perfectly suitable for home office and digital nomads. Let us be your host and guide you.

Continue reading “Welcome to Casa Contenta in 2024”